dilluns, 3 de desembre del 2018

My family and other animals


Author: Gerald Durrell

Spiro, Roger, Margo, Mr Beder, Gerry, George.

Chapter 1: the family Durrell don’t like so much the weather in England and they decide to go to an Greece island.
When they start the travel, they  found a dog called Roger. The Durrel family finally stay in a hotel very good, but Margo have a problem with the toilets of the hotel and they wanted to go to another house with a good toilet but they don´t found anything. The next day they found Spiro, a Greece guy that speaks English very well and he found a house for the family.
Chapter 2: they like so much the village. Spiro took care of anything, in the garden Gerry do “friends”, this was earwigs. Gerry do also a with a peasant of the village.
Chapter 3: Gerry went with Roger to do a walk and they met with, a grandmother of 70 years old. He buys a turtle to the “cetoniids man”.
The turtle then run away from the house because the door was open, they found the death turtle in a hole. Then he buys a pigeon but the pigeon don´t be so well with the family.
Chapter 4: Gerry’s mothers say to Gerry that he has to study, and a Larry’s friend called George teach him a bit of French and maths.
Chapter 5: Gerry and Roger went to climb, but they were so hungry and they went to Yanni’s house, they show him an antidote for scorpion’s chopped, then they were walking and they found a strange nest of spiders.
Chapter 6: Gerry went a lot of times to Teodoro’s house.  It was spring and Margo don’t like the spring, she starts to meet with a Turk boy, Spiro say this to Margo’s mum. The Turk boy went with Margo and Margo’s mum to the cinema and to dinner but they don’t like anything. Leslie and Gerry start to go to hunt doves.
Chapter 7: the Durrell’s family move to another house in the village, they contract the gardener’s woman. All the furniture starts to get break and they went the village to buy furniture, there were a party, San Spyridon parties.
Chapter 8: Gerry found turtles and he catch the eggs turtles and he bring the egg turtle to the house. The Larry’s friends start to came, but it was one girl that haven’t hair.
Chapter 9: Gerry found a scorpion that was embraced, he put it into a box and wen he was finish to it, he opens the box and it was a lot of small scorpions. Gerry’s mum decide that he have to study more French.
Chapter 10: in the spring came to the village one teacher called Peter. Gerry has a room where he can save his animals. In summer the family bathed on the bitch that was a lot of dolphins, and in the night all the sky was covered of fireflies.

divendres, 30 de novembre del 2018

The Flight

The Flight:

Everything started on a Saturday, more exactly on September 13. We were my friend and 
I on a flight to Irland when, suddenly, a strong tremor tilted the plane, causing me to lose consciousness for a few seconds, on regaining consciousness I quickly put on the mask and then try to put the mask on Alex, in a unsuccessful attempt, press the button so that the mask is shut down automatically to be able to put the mask on more easily, moments later look at the window, we were descending at great speeds, at that moment I thought it was the end: The alarm sounded Joan is time to wake up, a voice said to me at the entrance of my room, I turned to identify the voice, when I realized who it was I fell in tears.

divendres, 23 de novembre del 2018

LEONATO: lord of Messina
HERO: Leonato's daughter
BEATRICE: Hero's cousin
MARGARET: and URSULA: Hero's servants
DON PEDRO: prince of Aragon
BENEDICK: a young gentleman, and friend of Don Pedro's
CLAUDIO: a young gentleman, and friend of Don Pedro's
DON JOHN: Don Pedro's brother
BORACHIO: and CONRADE: Don Jhon's servants
DOGBERRY: a policeman
VERGES: a policeman

 Leonato, a kindly, respectable nobleman, lives in the idyllic Italian town of Messina. Leonato shares his house with his lovely young daughter, Hero, his playful, clever niece, Beatrice, and his elderly brother, Antonio (who is Beatrice's father). As the play begins, Leonato prepares to welcome some friends home from a war. The friends include Don Pedro, a prince who is a close friend of Leonato, and two fellow soldiers: Claudio, a well-respected young nobleman, and Benedick, a clever man who constantly makes witty jokes, often at the expense of his friends. Don John, Don Pedro’s illegitimate brother, is part of the crowd as well. Don John is sullen and bitter, and makes trouble for the others.

When the soldiers arrive at Leonato’s home, Claudio quickly falls in love with Hero. Meanwhile, Benedick and Beatrice resume the war of witty insults that they have carried on with each other in the past. Claudio and Hero pledge their love to one another and decide to be married. To pass the time in the week before the wedding, the lovers and their friends decide to play a game. They want to get Beatrice and Benedick, who are clearly meant for each other, to stop arguing and fall in love. Their tricks prove successful, and Beatrice and Benedick soon fall secretly in love with each other.

dilluns, 19 de novembre del 2018

My family and others animals

My family and others animals

Author: Gerald Durrell

Spiro, Roger, Margo, Mr Beder, Gerry, George.


Events in the story
Chapter 1:

The month of July was over and the Durrell family did not like the climate that existed in England. They were talking about what solution they could put to this, and they concluded that the best thing would be to move to another place, a place like Greece. They took the car and started the trip, and in one of these moments, they met Roger, the dog.
Chapter 2:
They were looking where to camp and stop to sleep. They stopped at the pension Suisse. The hotel on the outside was very good and they were well taken care of inside, but there was an accident with Margo in the bathroom because of the typhus. The hostel was located on the road of a cemetery. He went to find another house because there was no sanitary service here. They went out with Mr Beder, the hotel guide, but they did not see any house in condition and they returned to the hotel. The next day they wanted to take a taxi but they did not understand them very well and a man wanted to take them away. Spiro took us to a villa that seemed to be very well, also had a bathroom.

Chapter 3:
The villa was beautiful as if they were back home. Spiro took care of everything because there he was very well known. In the garden of the house, Gerry, he became familiar with a family of earwigs that he loved, lots of lovely little bugs. He also made friends with some peasants of the island.

Chapter 4:

Gerry went out with Roger for a walk and found Agathi the 70-year-old grandmother and they were singing for a while. While walking, he met the Man of the Estonians who sold him a turtle. He took her home and after getting acquainted with her she ran away because the door was open, they went in search of her and found her in a well, she was dead. The next day the Man of the Cetonia gave him a pigeon that soon after had 2 eggs. The pigeon was not very happy with this family.

Chapter 5:

The mother said that Gerry needed some instruction because he was very nervous. George came to a friend of Larry, to give him some math and French. First, they started at home with some maps and to point out certain points. A few days later, they were already going through the village watching and studying animals and they ended up in a lake where they bathed and where they found many marine species.

Chapter 6:

Gerry kept going with Theodore to tea and showed him his house, it was impressive. Spring started and with it, Larry had to diet, but it was useless, Margo did not feel very good about spring. It was the time to go to the beach and to go out through the olive groves. He met a young Turk. Spiro and Gerry knew that he was dating that Turk and Spiro told his mother. The Turk introduced himself to the mother and invited them to go to the cinema and to dinner. They arrived at one and they did not like anything, thank goodness he was only on vacation and I would not see him again. In contrast to Leslie if he liked spring. Gerry and Leslie went out with the shotgun to hunt doves.

Chapter 7:
The Durrell family moved to a beautiful villa, an immense house. They hired the gardener's wife to help them, but she was always telling her sorrows. The furniture of the house fell to pieces and went to the town to look and to buy furniture.

They arrived at the town and it was a party, San Espiridón and this day they could kiss the feet of the saint and Margo kissed them and got sick with the flu. Theodore went to the village on Thursdays for tea and explained anecdotes to Gerry about his life.

Chapter 8:
Behind the villa, Gerry found, behind a bush, a turtle that came out from under the ground. He found many turtles. To one of them, he named her Madame Cyclops because she had only one eye. Gerry took one of the turtle's eggs without her noticing.

Larry's friends started arriving. Later another guest named Melanie arrived and called a lot of attention because she had no hair and the mother did not like her very much. At dinner, they were arguing.

Chapter 9:
The garden was surrounded by a wall, a hunting ground. Gerry was watching some scorpions. He took a pregnant scorpion female and put it in a box and took it away. Larry finished his lunch and opened the scorpion box and all his cubs came out. The mother decided that she would have to do classes to better the French, Spiro took her to the Belgian consul to teach. Classes bored him. Theodore on Thursday went to the villa and for him, it was a special day because the Athens seaplane landed.

A fraud
     69 C/ Gràcia
Media Markt
356 frendind
0247                                                                                                    Sunday 28th October

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about a fraud and they have treated me very badly.
This happened the last weekend in the commercial centre Eroski.

I had gone to buy a money card for the PlayStation when I got to the box the dependent of the shop treated me very badly even saying extremerly insults. I was very offended and angry. But that is not all when I arrived home and I connected the PlayStation to redeem the card it was not working. I tried it several times but I still did not work, until I realized that it was already used.

Furthermore, I went back to the store and they responded to saying things like this is impossible, now do not bother us, out of here or just call those of security… A shame.

I had always trusted you but this behaviour made a pullback I want you to return the money and choose your employees well.
I look forward to your response.       

Alfred Alloza                                                                                              Alfred Alloza 193

dilluns, 12 de novembre del 2018


My family and Other Animals Review

This book is called My Family and Other animals. It's part of the Oxford book collection. It was made into a movie that was finished at 2005 and it became a famouse movie on television. The author is Gerald Durrell he is Indian born in 1925 and died in 1995.

The story is told by Gerald and the story is set in Corfu in 1935 at the start of the story Gerald is happy to move to see other animals but at the course of the story they moved to another island and at the end for Gerald's studies they went back to England.

The main charectar is Gerald but the story is full of interesting charectars. The most important charectar is Gerlad but there are plenty of charecters and that makes the story fun.

I enjoyed the story because they there where a lot of animals and charecters that kept the story moving and interesting, mostly his pets. I think the book is well writen but it's very simple and not very complex.

All in all, I it was a interesting book but I think I could read higher level books as I do at home. If you really love different species of animals and the culture of greece you should spend time reading this book.

dijous, 27 de setembre del 2018


                                                                                      MY HOLIDAYS

In my holidays usually welp my father to do some things homestead ,
I usually do them with a friend . What I usually do is go to see the godmother alone in France. We usually make a summer in France a summer in California and a summer in any other country, because my family is leaving in France or in California to visit the family and friends of my parents. I usually go with my family .
We went to a mountain with our cousins ​​and went to the lake
beaches ... I loved
everything we did

This holiday I went to California with my family , we went to visit aurs cousins. This holiday I don’t helped my father end I diden’t go to France.i do a lot of things like

I don’t know because I love all things that I did ,but I thing that the thing I love the most I to se my cousins because I love them and I don’t see them very ofthen 

                                                                         MY HOLIDAYS:

On holidays I usually go to Gava with my sister and my parents , and then we go to another place , for example Iceland or Sweden.

But this year we are going to Corsica is an island next to Sardenya , in France, it's very beautifull and there are a lot of beaches .

My faborite holidays were whent we went to Iceland because there were lots of things to do like whent we went to see the whales, waterfalls ...
I loved wehen we went to natural pool because the whater is very hot and outside is very could.

divendres, 15 de juny del 2018

Carns Corella

Avui hem anat a Carns Corella de Sant Cugat.

Horari de la visita: 
L'horari de la visita era de 10:00 a 11:30.

Com arribar-hi? 
Quan hem arribat a l'escola, hem passat llista i seguidament hem agafat un autobús privat que ens ha portat fins a Carns Corella.

Què hem descobert?
1. Avui més que descobrir, hem fet varies: 

Primer, ens han fet posar una mena de bata de plàstic, un gorro de plàstic i bosses del plàstic als peus: per a no embrutar-nos.

2. Hem anat a la part de dalt de l'obrador i ens han ensenyat a fer pizzes a mà, croquetes a mà i a tallar ceba. Tot això ho hem fet amb unes màquines especials que tenien. Per exemple:

    • Per a fer les croquetes hi havia una màquina que ajuntava els ingredients (no penseu que és tot industrial, els ingredients eren naturals) i treia les croquetes amb la seva forma allargada. Després tu havies d'arrebossar-les. Quan acabaves una safata, havies de posar-la en una altre màquina per posar el plàstic.
    • Per a les pizzes, no necessitaves cap màquina. Tot era a mà. Agafaves la massa i tu posaves els ingredients. Després havies de posar-li un plàstic perquè es conservés. No havies de posar-la al forn perquè això ja ho farien els clients que compressin la pizza.
    • Per a la ceba, quasi no havies de fer res ja que hi havia una màquina que et tallava la ceba (era molt útil). Tu posaves la ceba dins la màquina i ella te la tallava en trossos petits.
    3. Hem anat a la part de baix de l'obrador i ens han ensenyat les cambres on guardaven el menja. Eren una espècie de neveres/congeladors que mantenien el menjar estable. Allà hi havien porcs, vedelles, xais, pollastres....

    4. Després ens han ensenyat a tallar i a pelar pollastres. Hem hagut de fer un repte que era tallar el cap d'un pollastre. Això ho ha fet el Ferran. 

    5. I per últim, ens han ensenyat com fan les salsitxes i les botifarres. Posant bodells de xai, acumulaven la carn de porc i la posaven amb la seva forma.

    Personalment, ha sigut la visita que més ens ha agradat de tota la setmana. Ha sigut molt divertida!
    Quin valor destaquem?
    Lo que trobem més important es que preparen la carn a mà no com altres empreses que preparen el menjar industrial. Els animals creixen en semillibertat no com altres animals en altres empreses . No hem tingut que prendre apunts perquè no es necessitava, cada moment de la experiència es recordada. Hi ha hagut moments donava fàstic veure els animals o els òrgans en les caixes on en les parets, però ha sigut una experiència impressionant.
    Hem après com feien les pizzes, les croquetes i les alites de pollastre. També hem après que els animals són sacrificats quan tenen un any i tres mesos però normalment es sacrifiquen als 10 mesos, es menys econòmic però es més ecològic.
    Tota la empresa treballa com un ràpidament com si tots fossin un. Era impressionant que parts s’utilitzen dels pollastres i de diferents animals, i el més important que estem menjant altres éssers vius.


    La foto del dia: 
    Pot semblar el final, però només és el principi.




    Hem anat al Monestir de Sant Cugat, situat en el mig de la ciutat.


    Avui hem anat al Monestir de Sant Cugat, un Monestir construït per Arnau Cadell i el seu equip, només per monjos benedictins, amb més de 70 regles.

    Estructura del monestir 

    El Monestir es un refugi pels monjos, on se'ls educava.
    Construït cap l'any 1.000 i habitat fins el segle XVIII.
    Tenien un claustre, en el qual estava dissenyat per mantenir els monjos allunyats de la societat i les afores.
    Les parts inferiors del pati, els arcs, es creu es un tipus d'arquitectura romana.
    El claustre estava replet de columnes. Les mateixes columnes es dividien en tres parts:
    • capitells
    • cos
    • peu

    Hi molts de capitells, però hi ha uns quants en especial, els quals influi molt en l'educació dels monjos.

    + Sirenes: hi havia un capitell abans de l'entrada del monestir, on estava esculpida varies  sirenes, que simbolitzava la metàfora de la tentació de la dona, i per aquests motius  posaven sirenes, ja que les sirenes atreien als homes amb el seu cant.

    + Ocells: hi ha una columna on en els seu capitell estan esculpits dos ocells menjant fruits del cel, es a dir de dalt, i al costat hi havia una columna on en el capitell hi havien dos ocells menjant cap per abaix, on estaven devorats per dues besties de l'infern. Tot això representava que el cel estava en a dalt i l'infern abaix. (Aquestes idees han evolucionat, actualment es podria dir que les besties de l'infern son els homes llop i el cel en Super-man).

    Estructura del monestir

    En el Monestir hi havien diverses sales: menjador, etc. 
    Una sala important es la Sala Capitular: que era la sala on es confessaven, es rebien noticies o rebien càstigs.
    Aquesta sala era important pels monjos, ja que estaven educats per confessar.

    La vida dels monjos
    Els monjos que vivien en el Monestir de Sant Cugat eren benedictins (Sant Benet de Murcía) amb més 70 regles.
    Unes d'aquestes 70 regles hi havien:
    • prohibició de la conversa: es creia que a través de la parla podies pecar.
    • vot de castedat: on estava prohibit tenir relacions sexuals.
    Una diferencia crucial que diferencia els mossens dels monjos  es que els mossens poden renunciar al seu treball quan vulguin els monjos no podien, ja que deixar-ho de ser-ho era un pecat, o més ben dit una aretja.

    ORA ET LAVORA, la seva traducció es resa i treballa, perquè el monjo només penses en això i no en altres coses com per exemple com vestir-se.

    Els monjos sempre tenien que anar amb una vestimenta que els cobria els peus, negre. A més a més els monjos portaven un pentinat anomenat TONSURA, que consistia en afaitar-se la part central del cap, afaitar-se aquesta zona del cap era una manera de estar connectat amb deu. 

    Els Monestirs estaven separats per genere.

    El monjo més important era l'Abat, esculli't per tots els monjos.

    Els monjos estaven educats per confessar, ja que es creia que si no u feies No anaves al cel i cap castig era pitjor que no anar al cel , per això es confessaven.

    Els monjos a més a més escrivien (bíblia), escrivien en pergamí, pell d'animal per fer el pergamí, per poder fer fer una bíblia es necessitaven 3 vaques. 



    Tant essencial com l'aigua