dilluns, 12 de novembre del 2018


My family and Other Animals Review

This book is called My Family and Other animals. It's part of the Oxford book collection. It was made into a movie that was finished at 2005 and it became a famouse movie on television. The author is Gerald Durrell he is Indian born in 1925 and died in 1995.

The story is told by Gerald and the story is set in Corfu in 1935 at the start of the story Gerald is happy to move to see other animals but at the course of the story they moved to another island and at the end for Gerald's studies they went back to England.

The main charectar is Gerald but the story is full of interesting charectars. The most important charectar is Gerlad but there are plenty of charecters and that makes the story fun.

I enjoyed the story because they there where a lot of animals and charecters that kept the story moving and interesting, mostly his pets. I think the book is well writen but it's very simple and not very complex.

All in all, I it was a interesting book but I think I could read higher level books as I do at home. If you really love different species of animals and the culture of greece you should spend time reading this book.

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