dijous, 27 de setembre del 2018


                                                                                      MY HOLIDAYS

In my holidays usually welp my father to do some things homestead ,
I usually do them with a friend . What I usually do is go to see the godmother alone in France. We usually make a summer in France a summer in California and a summer in any other country, because my family is leaving in France or in California to visit the family and friends of my parents. I usually go with my family .
We went to a mountain with our cousins ​​and went to the lake
beaches ... I loved
everything we did

This holiday I went to California with my family , we went to visit aurs cousins. This holiday I don’t helped my father end I diden’t go to France.i do a lot of things like

I don’t know because I love all things that I did ,but I thing that the thing I love the most I to se my cousins because I love them and I don’t see them very ofthen 

                                                                         MY HOLIDAYS:

On holidays I usually go to Gava with my sister and my parents , and then we go to another place , for example Iceland or Sweden.

But this year we are going to Corsica is an island next to Sardenya , in France, it's very beautifull and there are a lot of beaches .

My faborite holidays were whent we went to Iceland because there were lots of things to do like whent we went to see the whales, waterfalls ...
I loved wehen we went to natural pool because the whater is very hot and outside is very could.